Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I am convinced the Americans will default tomorrow and not raise their debt ceiling. I believe this is all part of the plan to KILL the dollar. Once this is achieved banks will close their doors, no atm's will operate. Did you know ALL of our banks here are American owned? 

I have considered the possibility that all of these attacks and law changes on the bikers here in Australia is a front to keep Australian's focus away from what could happen when the American dollar is dead. Australian's need to be aware that it WILL have DIRE CONSEQUENCES here in Australia once the American dollar is DEAD.

Overnight, interest rates will sky rocket! Banks will start to close their doors here within 1 or 2 days. Atm's will go offline. Food prices will double/triple/quadruple within 2 or 3 days. Business's will be shutting their doors within the first week. Fuel prices will quadruple within 2 or 3 days.


Not trying to scare you, but being realistic. Ask around, I bet you anyone you talk to will say the American situation WILL NOT affect us! WRONG WRONG WRONG!

China and Russia have been busy in the last week trying prepare to establish the Yuan as the world's new base currency. This cannot be done overnight! Markets will crash like never before when they KILL the dollar. Even if they do happen to increase the debt ceiling it will all be on again in February 2014. It cannot be stopped!

Do you and your family a favour. Go stock up on foods such as rice/pasta/canned foods. Fill your cars and bikes with fuel. It's NOT going to go to waste if nothing happens, but I believe being prepared, JUST IN CASE, makes sense!

The world has NEVER seen anything like this before. BE PREPARED, that's all I am saying!