Monday, October 14, 2013

NEW YORK - Yet Another Cop Admits To Being Involved In Violent Motorcycle Ride

BY: Ben Yakas

New York - Yet another NYPD officer came forward this week to admit to being involved in the motorcycle ride that led to a group of motorcyclists chasing and beating a terrified SUV driver last month. According to DNAInfo, the unidentified officer currently works on patrol in the department's Housing Bureau, after having recently been transferred following a stint in the NYPD's Narcotics Division. He only came forward on Friday, nearly two weeks after SUV driver Alexian Lien was beaten by motorcyclists on the West Side Highway. This is the fourth police officer who has come forward or been identified as taking part in the motorcycle ride, which occurred on September 29th. Earlier this week, 28-year-old Internal Affairs Bureau officer Matthew Rodriguez also came forward and admitted he was riding with the group; no charges have been filed against Rodriguez, but the investigation is ongoing.
Detective Wojciech Braszczok, a former Occupy Wall Street undercover officer, was charged this week with riot and criminal mischief for his role in the incident. Off-duty NYPD detective Samir Gonsalves has also been charged. Altogether, seven motorcyclists have been charged so far for the incident.