Tuesday, October 15, 2013

AUSTRALIA - It’s Getting Bad In Oz

Things are getting bad for bikers in the Australian state of Queensland. A self-confidant idealist named Jarrod Bleijie has apparently somehow assumed the power to reverse the last eight hundred years of English Common Law.
English nobles forced King John to sign The Great Charter of the Liberties of England, frequently called the Magna Carta Libertatum, in 1215. The English Parliament enacted a formal Bill of Rights in 1689. Those documents are widely regarded as the foundations of democracy amongst the English Speaking Peoples.
Bleijie is the Queensland Attorney-General and Minister for Justice who is currently leading the fight to stamp out motorcycle clubs by any means imaginable.
Queensland is the Australian state that comprises the northeast portion of the continent. There are six Australian states. Queensland has an area about two and a half times as large as Texas.

No Bail For Bikies
At a news conference Saturday, Bleijie announced that he would introduce legislation tomorrow that would deny members, or alleged members, of motorcycle clubs bail. “We’re going to have a presumption against bail for criminal motorcycle gangs,” Bleijie said. “Our view is simple. These criminal motorcycle gangs should be in jail and not get bail…That’s the clear position of the government and that’s the position we’ll take to the Parliament next week….We believe that the best thing we can do for the Queensland community is to have these people off our streets.”
Bleijie will propose that bikers be imprisoned for any offense including traffic violations. “Any crime alleged to have been committed by these individuals will be picked up under this new regime,” he said.
Terry O’Gorman, President of the Australian Council of Civil Liberties, called the new laws “Show politics… It is the sort of extremism that we’ve been complaining about as he drip feeds this suite of laws in which he has refused to consult anyone but the police and other attorneys-general.”

Biker Prison
Bleijie also wants to open a special prison just for bikers. The new prison will be established within the confines of an Australian supermax called the Woodford Correctional Centre.
All bikers would be locked down 23 hours a day and denied access to recreational areas. Bikers would be denied access to television and would undergo frequent drug tests.
All contacts with lawyers at the new prison would be monitored by prison guards and all outside contacts would be limited to one hour per week.
“They will do hard time and I make no apologies for that,” Bleijie said.

Crushing Bikes
Another of the new laws would mandate that motorcycles belonging to club members will be crushed. “I’ve announced today that we are going to be crushing the bikes. Just as we are going to be crushing the criminal motorcycle gang enterprises; we are going to crush the bikes,” Bleijie said.
The new laws will also forbid club members from wearing club insignia, to assemble or to own businesses. Bleijie said, “we want to break the morale of these establishments.”
The new laws will allow police to arrest anyone police say is a “gang member” or “gang associate,” bring them before a secret tribunal and force them to testify to police satisfaction. Victims who do not testify would be guilty of contempt and be sent to the special biker prison.