Monday, October 14, 2013

AUSTRALIA - Bleijie’s brave bikie bail ban

BY: Kate Clifford

Australia - SUNSHINE Coast police will be given the green light to arrest bikies for any offence, no matter how minor, as part of tough new legal reforms to put criminal motorcycle gang members behind bars. Under tough new legislation to be introduced in Queensland Parliament this week, members of criminal motorcycle clubs will be denied bail when they are charged with any offence, no matter how minor.
Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie announced the proposed reforms in Kawana yesterday and said the shift placed the onus on gang members to justify being granted bail.
"We're going to have a presumption against bail for criminal motorcycle gangs," he said.
"Our view is simple. These criminal motorcycle gangs should be in jail and not get bail.
"That's the clear position of the government and that's the position we'll take to the Parliament.
"We believe that the best thing we can do for the Queensland community is to have these people off our streets."
If bail were granted, Mr Bleijie said bikies would be required to surrender their passport before being released from the watchhouse.
"We have to show force against the criminal motorcycle gang members," he said. "The best thing we can do is to attack these gang members head on."
He said police had supported the move and would be strict on making sure the criminal motorcycle gang members stayed within the law.
"Any crime committed or alleged to have been committed by these gang members will be picked up," he said.
"Having criminal motorcycle gang members behind bars is the best thing we can do for the community."
The drastic reforms come amid community anger that bikies allegedly involved in the public violence on the Gold Coast had been granted bail.