Modesto police to focus on motorcycle safety
September 5, 2013 Bee Staff Reports
MODESTO — Modesto police will keep a close eye on motorcyclists this month. In a specialized motorcycle safety enforcement operation to reduce deaths and injuries, extra officers will be on duty to patrol areas frequented by motorcyclists and where crashes typically occur, the department announced, the department announced Thursday. Officers will look for violations by drivers and riders alike that can lead to motorcycle crashes. They will crack down on drivers and cyclists who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding, making illegal turns or any other dangerous violation. Over the past two years in Modesto, there have been two motorcycle fatalities, according to a news release from the department. There were 78 other motorcyclists injured in crashes, including nine hurt in alcohol-related accidents. As the economy improves, police say, there likely will be more miles driven by all vehicles, plus more novice motorcycle riders who are untrained and unable to handle the power of today's motorcycles. Riders can get training through the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. Information and training locations are available at or (877) 743-3411.