Wednesday, August 14, 2013

USA - Here Are 5 God-Given Rights That Democrats Want To Take Away From You

By Brian Carey
The popular meme these days is that the Republican Party is the party of old, white dudes who want to take your rights away. As is frequently the case, the popular meme is wrong.
First of all, there are plenty of old white dudes in the Democratic Party. Note the current Vice President for starters. Then, take a look at the leathery-faced Harry Reid, the leader of the U.S. Senate. Chuck Schumer, Patrick Leahy, and Howard Dean aren’t exactly spring chickens, either, and they’re all white.
When it comes to the issue of taking rights away from people, the Democrats are far more likely to do that than the Republicans. Here are several examples that make the case that it’s the Democrats who are the statists.

1. Democrats want to take away your gun rights
Surely you remember the post-Newtown hysteria, during which Democrats came out of their shells as gun-grabbers. They wanted to deny millions of law-abiding citizens their Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms as a reactionary measure in the wake of the Connecticut tragedy. Fortunately, sanity prevailed. The gun control effort failed in the Senate (to their credit, a few Democrats actually voted in favor of freedom during that episode) and, as a result of the hysteria, gun purchases soared.

2. Democrats want to take away your freedom of commerce
The fact that Democrats want to take away your freedom of commerce can be proven with one word: ObamaCare. ObamaCare, as you may know, mandates that people purchase health insurance. What that means is this: because you were born an American citizen, the Democrats are forcing you to buy a service. We can safely say that the Democrats are forcing you to do this because no Republicans voted for ObamaCare.

3. Democrats even want to give people permission to take your life
Democrats have been fighting awfully hard for abortion rights lately. There are true heroes in various state legislatures that have been working hard to protect human life. They have been met with opposition – from Democrats. Democrats think that a woman should be able to legally terminate her pregnancy without restrictions. This is tantamount to infanticide in many cases. Even the current Democratic President voted to allow doctors to kill babies that survive a botched abortion.

4. Democrats want to take away your religious freedom
The fact that Democrats want to take away your freedom of religion can be proven with one word: ObamaCare. ObamaCare not only has an individual mandate, it also has an employer mandate. That employer mandate requires that employers provide health insurance to their employees. This health insurance must cover various forms of birth control, a mandate that some Catholic employers find absolutely unacceptable. Fortunately, the Catholics enjoyed a recent victory in this fight. However, that doesn’t change the fact that Democrats view the laws of the state above the laws of God, and that’s a good reason why nobody should vote Democrat.

5. Democrats want to take away your freedom of employment
Recent, Governor Rick Snyder in Michigan signed a “right-to-work” bill into law. The law prevents companies from forcing people into unions as a condition of employment. Who opposed such a common-sense piece of legislation? Democrats, of course. They don’t want you to have the freedom to choose whether or not you’ll join a union. They want you to be required to join a union. That doesn’t sound like freedom, does it?