Friday, August 30, 2013

SAN DIEGO, CA - Police cracking down on motorcyclists..

SAN DIEGO (CNS) - A special Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation will be conducted by police Sunday with officers cracking down on motorcyclists found driving intoxicated, speeding or making illegal turns or other dangerous maneuvers.
On-duty and extra officers will target areas frequented by motorcyclists and those prone to motorcycle crashes.
"Motorcycle fatalities saw a phenomenal 37 percent drop from 2008 to 2010, but rose nearly 18 percent in 201l," San Diego Police officer Mark McCullough said. "Operations like this are aimed at curbing any more rises in motorcycle deaths and sending the numbers back downward."
California collision data reveals that primary causes of motorcycle- involved crashes include speeding, unsafe turning and impairment due to alcohol and other drugs.
The San Diego Police Department is also reminding all motorists to be alert and watch out for motorcyclists, especially when turning and changing lanes.
Riders can get training through the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. Information and training locations are available at www.CA-msporg or by calling 1-877-743-3411.