Wednesday, August 14, 2013

MASS - "POW/MIA Commemorative Chair"

Hello all... I'd like to share a project that RTMA (Rolling Thunder MA) has been working on, that's something everybody can get involved in!! Here in MA we've been working on getting a "POW/MIA Commemorative Chair" installed in every stadium in the State, and in every city and town hall, or somewhere in each community!
It can be accomplished by contacting either the local VSO (Veterans Service Officer) or local city officials. Most seem to be familiar with the issue; and are happy to do this! It doesn't take a lot! It just takes a chair possibly flanked by an American Flag and a POW/MIA Flag. I have a mini-press package for anybody that's interested in approaching their local officials to see about getting this done, so please let me know if you'd like the material. Places where chairs have been installed are City Halls, and High Schools, prominent city and town locations, etc... wherever it makes sense for it to be seen, and of course to bring awareness to the issue!
Thank you all, and have a wonderful weekend!

I apologize that I have not completed a newsletter recently, but my video card on my home computer fried, and all I can see are blue and yellow mattress style ticking lines, so please bear with me! :*)

 Thanks~Have a great weekend all~Gypsy