Saturday, August 3, 2013


I love this. Makes me think B.O.L.T. and Guerrilla Lawfare is leading the way by doing this type of thinking first.

Man beats ticket on dashcam evidence, takes town to court [w/videos]

By  Brandon Turkus
Rod MacIver wanted justice after being wronged by his local police department. He was pulled over and cited for running a red light, despite the officer's dashcam video clearly shown that he hadn't. When the matter went to court, the judge, after viewing the footage, threw the case out and dressed down the officer, Jason Lawton.

MacIver isn't through, though, taking the matter to small claims court over the time and effort involved in beating his original ticket. Looking for $2,000 in damages, the 56-year-old resident argues that the department's default attitude "was dishonesty in every encounter."

With his day in court scheduled and Judge Samuel Hoar "looking forward to" the proceedings, neither the officer, his sergeant nor a department administrator were to be found. Only the Shelburne Police Department's lawyer, Colin McNeil, showed up in court. Arguing that the burden of proof was on MacIver, the lawyer argued that the officers didn't need to attend the proceedings (no joke, they were across the street at a coffee shop – insert donut jokes in three, two, one...), meaning the matter was set aside for a future date. While the matter still isn't resolved, Judge Hoar informed McNeil that "it would be a mistake" for the officers to miss the next hearing, according to a report from WCAX.

Take a look at the full video below and the news report, and let us know what you think. Was there any reason for pulling MacIver over?

News Source: WCAX, Opposing Views