Monday, July 22, 2013

Please take the time and read this is not just a fight for freedom of helmet but freedom it self freedom of choice freedom to ride.

please add your voice send money to the fight

Today I wish to thank you for the opportunity of addressing the group. There are many questions that need to be answered and yet we can’t get answers that make sense.
• Why is it that the news always points out if the person who dies had a helmet of choice on their head?
• Why do they say nothing when a person dies from the weight of the helmet when it breaks their neck (shaken baby syndrome)?
• Whose fault was the accident?
• He ran off the road versus hit and run.

What about the drunk who hit the biker - his neck was injured so badly the doctors didn’t think he would live and if he did most likely won’t be able to walk. But he did, and beat the odds.
For myself more then 30 years ago I was involved in a crash with an old man who was given a ticket an accident which could have killed me. Because he came out of a wrong direction there was very time to change other than speed and my bike didn’t have it to give. My bike met his right fender and I flew 75 ft, almost hitting a telephone pole. I was lucky that day - I walked away from that one. However that helmet damaged my neck. Wearing some heavier helmets, now, for long trips just can’t be done. Taking pain pills would be worse. On that day what scared me most was seeing the hubcap coming toward me, wondering if I was going to cut in half. I don’t know if any of you have seen what a hubcap can do. I have. It can cut a 6” diameter tree in half. A biker was almost cut in half by a hubcap.
The only way to protect yourself is to avoid the collision.

Back to news and laws.
• First let’s get back to basics again – Constitutional Principles govern society better that hundreds of thousands of laws.
• adding more laws will not fix what is happening today.
• law enforcement write tickets to “let the court sort it out.” Even if they know it is a weak ticket.
• Keeping up with changes in law is not a priority for cops, unless they know they will be sued successfully for how they enforce laws incorrectly.
• memos from headquarters are lost on deaf ears.
Let’s get back to the helmet law.
Let’s stand by those willing to protest a system them and fight
A broken system is what we have any politicians should be mandated to vote or it shows as nothing due to abstained.
People shouldn’t vote on laws they don’t have a clue as to what they are nor have they read them to vote on them. So the question is why are they voting why are they being told by outsiders how to vote. However here is a time who the most money wins, such as insurance companies going to bed with politicians and making laws for either better gain of whom? Who’s pocket is going to be filled, now or later? Why can a politician who is absent be counted as a no vote just because they don’t have the nerve to vote the way they promised us they would. This kind of practice should not be allowed if it must have a full set vote then make then be accountable to the voters by casting a true vote. I don’t like being lied to. I even have Christine Kehoe on tape saying she would vote on the bill and decided at the last minute to do a no show casting her vote as against the bill. Again, politicians are not in office to improve the friendships that will help them to get a higher office when they leave. A local man elected to office wont even see me because of being a biker and he came right out and said he will not support any bill that has to do with the removal of the helmet law he also works for an insurance company. Having a politician say he would vote for helmet use on our freeways but mandatory for city driving. Sorry teaching driving for as many years knowing where the greater dangers are on our road that is backwards: And yet at that time showing him the numbers and why it should be the other way around made no difference because he was the one in power. The voters chose him to be the one to change and pass laws.
There is only one way to control officers who think they know the law, but don’t. I have heard commanders tell officers to write certain tickets even though he knew the law had changed. The commander made it clear his rule is the law he would enforce. Officers typically make up rules because who is going to stop them?
A few actually do.
For the few who are fighting for freedom, let us stand by them.
We should back those willing to fight the tickets, and fund them.
The time is now to fund the lawsuit against unconstitutional enforcement of the helmet law. The CHP has publicly stated the helmet law is not enforceable. Yet tickets are still being written. Those officers will be sued in federal court within the next few weeks. We will be asking the federal Judge to make the cops show the Probable Cause they had to write the ticket. It has already been “asked and answered” by the Easyriders v Hannigan federal Judge that a helmet ticket can only be written if the cop has a recall notice and/or laboratory test results showing non-compliance with the federal standard, on the size, make and model of helmet the ticket was written on.
It is to be filed in Sacramento. Over 70 cops will be subpoenaed to answer for the tickets they wrote.
There are about 275 tickets that BOLT has collected for evidence against the cops that wrote them.
BOLT already has documented proof that none of the 466 police departments in California use the correct criteria to determine if a helmet is illegal. The police lose if they are honest about that in federal court. If they change their story and say they know the correct way to determine if a helmet is illegal, they lose because they didn’t use the correct way when they wrote those tickets.
Donations can be made to the Trust Account for the lawsuit. Wells Fargo Bank - Checks payable to:
Defend the 4th Amendment, BOLT v. CHP lawsuit.
The account number is: 5587542548
When I had gone to a CHP advisory meeting I asked, “what kind of helmets are found on dead bikers?” “What brand?” “What was the age of the dead riders?” “What kind of bike was ridden by the ones that died?” If you don’t have this kind of information you are passing laws on a guess? I was working in a statistic class and the teacher was very good he said, “give me numbers and I’ll show you how I can change it in favor or against by the wording or giving the reverse numbers to do the same thing.”
The surprising thing he was right. If you know how to word it you can change the conclusion of the statistic.
What is solid is the law. It is easy to prove the police are breaking the law when they write a helmet ticket that violates your 4th Amendment Right.
Are we Americans that Stand for our Rights?