Monday, July 15, 2013

I found the following interesting and thought I would share it.


The most frequently used words on television

by Jon Rappoport
July 1, 2013

Propaganda is the art of selling people a reality they would never choose on their own.
One of the profound and simple tricks of propaganda is selling people what they already have.
However, if they don't know they already have it, if they don't realize the sale is unnecessary, they won't recognize the sleight-of-hand operation.
And the payoff is, they'll accept a synthetic substitute for the real thing.
If a person really doesn't understand he has freedom, he may, for example, buy the idea that freedom means serving others.
No. Freedom and serving others are two different things.
And there are all sorts of ways freedom can be packaged and sold that add up to slavery.
In the only study I've been able to find, Wictionary surveys the scripts of all television shows in the year 2006, to analyze the words most frequently broadcast to viewers in America.
Out of 29,713,800 words, including the massively used "a," "an," "the," "you," "me," and the like, the word "home" ranks 179 from the top. "Mom" is 218. "Together" is 222. "Family" is 250.
If you think this is hardly surprising, that's because you've been relentlessly bombarded with propaganda about family for years.
"In the end, all we have is family" "Family is the most important thing." "Our team is really like a family." "Our company is a family."
Well, take a step back.
Newsflash: Everyone is born into a family. It may be wonderful, it may be terrible, it may be just okay, it may be whole or broken, but it's a family.
For nearly all of human history, people have managed to deal with their families without needing to raise flags and pennants and banners elevating the concept to the highest peak of the highest mountain.
In the same way that protecting a baby with a stroller that looks like Patton tank is excessive, the ideal of family has been pushed beyond any rational boundary.
And there is a reason for this. If you want to embed and entangle an individual in a group or collective, and train him to think it's inevitable, what better way than to start with the family.
It's operant conditioning.
Television promotes family as a monitor on the independence of the individual. Fathers and mothers operate as cautionary and commanding figures in the landscape.
"Don't do that. Don't go over there. Be careful. Don't move away from town. Don't take a chance. Stop dreaming. Why can't you be like everybody else?"
"Take the safe path. Think as the family thinks."
It's mandatory for a politician to campaign with family. Put them up on the stage, convey the impression they're all in perfect sync.
Government has become a surrogate parent. It gives and it takes. It dispenses gifts, but it also makes arbitrary rules. Remind you of anybody?
"We love you and need you and we have freebies for you, but don't go against the family."
Only an utter dolt would fail to recognize the warning signs in that sort of arrangement.
If you survey the range of broadcast television, you'll find endless examples of family as infernal "concerned" meddler in the decisions of its members. It's goo a mile wide and deep. Artificial empathy as a cover for control.
"We care about you. We don't want you to go down a dangerous road. We want to protect you. Who were you talking to on the phone?"
What emerges is a portrait of family members as people eternally mired in problems, struggling to operate under a very low ceiling of achievement and power.
If America is a family of 300 million people, then naturally the parents will need to keep track of all the children. It's called the Surveillance State.
"We're just looking out for you. It's for your own good."
Edward Snowden becomes the wayward child who wandered from hearth and home.
Daddy and Mommy will teach him a lesson.
When a shooter goes off in an Aurora theater or a Sandy Hook school, the television audience watches the event on television as if it's a gruesome episode in a soap opera
James Holmes and Adam Lanza are outcast sons of America who became sick and twisted.
You're either part of the family or you're a killer.
If you think I'm exaggerating or rejecting the very human emotions of sympathy, grief, and shock, I'm just describing how these events are presented by media. I'm pointing out the subliminal messages, which are all gross distortions and exaggerations.
America is not one family.
It never was.
We're not "all in this together."
That's a myth and a fairy tale.
The myth is promoted miles beyond any truth, for a reason:
To elevate the collective and demean the free and independent individual.
I grew up in a family. I grew up with friends. I know what it's like to feel close to people. And I'm old enough to have seen the shift take place, when these experiences of mine and yours were parlayed into a "universal togetherness." The myth. The legend.
It's a construct. It's a psyop.
People I was close to laughed when the the transition took place. It was a joke for us, just another sales job.
It was a synthetic piece of friendly fascism laid over the truly authentic experiences of living.
Most people never discover what they're capable of or what they really want, because they remain in the constricted bosom of the group. Spinning this as a Great Unity is cruel. It isn't "spiritual."
It sells well, because it panders to people who've sacrificed their freedom many times over.
If you believe our recent presidents have been dispensing some new and elevated philosophy---Clinton ("I feel your pain"), Bush ("no child left behind"), Obama ("we're all in this together")---you need a mental laxative.
And Hillary ("it takes a village") in 2016? More of the same.
These hustlers care about populations as much as the CIA MKULTRA chiefs cared about mental health. The presidents won office and acclaim because millions of minds had been seeded with engineered brain-dead propaganda about Universality.
Hope does not reside with the group. The group, if it has any genuine worth, exists to force leaders to reinstate individual freedom.
When the people have lost contact with what individual freedom means and what it is for, puppet dictators arise and take the reins. They delight in committing crimes.
Now there's a family. The crime family.
Theft, extortion, murder.
Under the flag of love.
Contrary to experts, people don't need to be taught what love is. They know. They know it in the womb.

In tribes, societies, and civilizations...people settling their differences? Learning to cooperate on basic values? Of course. But for that, no high-flying psyop-prophets are needed.
The prophets have an age-old strategy. Sell back to people what they already have, dressed up in high-flying sentiments.
Suckers, fool's gold, hollow intimacy. A movie about reality in which the free and independent individual is sacrificed.
Jon Rappoport
The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails AT