Friday, June 21, 2013

USA - Bill Would Restore GI Bill for Older Vets

Terry Howell
According to an AP report, the Senate may soon have the chance to vote on whether or not to remove the time limit for GI Bill benefits. Currently veterans have 10 years to use their Montgomery GI Bill (or 15 years to use their Post-9/11 GI Bill). The so-called delimiting date is determined by the veterans last discharge date.
Senator Richard Blumenthal announced his new bill on Tuesday May 28, saying the new bill that would repeal the “unfair and arbitrary time  limits.”
Blumenthal  said more than 2 million veterans who missed the 10-year expiration date have been denied the benefits despite paying  the required Montgomery GI Bill  enrollment fee of  $1,200.While the bill would not have an immediate effect on Post-9/11 vets, it would restore the GI Bill for many Vietnam, Cold-War, and Gulf-War era veterans who were unable to take advantage of their benefits within the 10 years after discharge.