Wednesday, June 19, 2013

USA - Are Americans Finally Opening Their Eyes? What Is It Going To Take To Stand Up Against Tyranny?

By : Matt Winkeljohn –

From Greece, Iceland, Japan, Turkey and now even China is waking up to the government tyranny that is all around us, are Americans going to finally open their eyes?

There has been a number of countries that have come forward and have been trying to warn Americans that we are in for a world of hurt if we do not change things immediately.
From GMO’s, government tyranny and even gun control…We need to listen to them!
Take the country of Hungary for instance. 
From 2011 to present day, citizens and leaders of Hungary has set fire to thousands of acres of life threatening GMO fields.  Hungary now joins the ranks of Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Japan, Philippines, Algeria, Egypt, Norway, Austria, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Greece, France, Luxembourg, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Poland and many other areas that have stood up to the chemical giant Monsanto and its killer GMO products.
In one of the few examples of Americans taking to the streets against government tyranny, we joined citizens world wide and gathered in mass to protest Monsanto and other companies that push this dangerous GMO “food.”
Unfortunately, the United States government has chosen to ignore the pleas from the people and instead, line their pockets with Monsanto money.
VIDEO - Monsanto & Cancer Milk: FOX NEWS KILLS STORY & FIRES Reporters.

For most Americans, their eyes have now also been open to the criminal spying and record keeping on behalf of the NSA and Obama administration. 
Thanks largely to wistleblower Edward Snowden, Americans now know what a monster the Patriot Act (signed under Bush jr.) really is.

In his original presidential campaign, Barrack Obama told Americans that he would repeal Bush’s Patriot Act and claimed that he thought warrantless wiretapping was an infringement on the right of privacy of Americans.  Americans now realize that Obama’s promises aren’t worth the teleprompter he reads them from.
 n Hong Kong, citizens have taken to the streets in support of the American Snowden, yet Americans are largely doing nothing.
Are you finally ready to stand up to tyranny?
For weeks now, in Turkey, citizens have taken to the streets in protest against an over reaching, tyrannical and violent government.
Violent Turkish police have been bombarding protestors with tear gas, chemical water cannons and have even gone as far as running over groups of protestors with armored vehicles.
Pictures from an American photographer and activist Jenna Pope really tell the story -
Through all of the tear gas, beatings and water cannons, the Turkish citizens stand strong.
Why have protestors and citizens world wide been speaking out and taking to the streets?  Why, even when being beaten, arrested and gassed do they push on?
Because they are standing for what they believe is right and just!
Are Americans eyes being opened?  I believe they are.
Now it is time for the next step.  Take notes from other countries and actually get off of your couch, turn off sports and stand up for what is right and just.
We The People have the power! We The People have the numbers!  We The people are still armed!  We The People need to get angry and stand up to the tyranny of the federal government!