Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Obama rides a motorcycle

obama decides to try riding a motorcycle, even though he has had
no lessons or prior experience. He mounts the motorcycle uninstructed,
turns it on & it immediately roars into motion. As it moves along faster &
faster, The pres. begins to fall from the seat. In terror, he grips tightly on
the handlebars, but can't get a firm grip. He tries to throw his arms
around the motorcycle's gas tank, but he slides down the side of the
motorcycle anyway. Finally giving up his frail grip, he tries to leap off the
motorcycle and throw himself to safety. Unfortunately, his foot has
become entangled in the exhaust pipes; he is now at the mercy of the
motorcycles roaring wheels as his head is struck against the ground,
over and over. He is moments away from unconsciousness when, to his
great fortune, Wendell, the Wal-Mart greeter, sees him 
and unplugs the motorcycle.