Wednesday, June 5, 2013

ILLINOIS: ABATE of Illinois Supports HB2520

Subject: HB2520

The Senate passed our "Poker Run" bill, HB2520, with a vote of 52-2.
It is now in the House with one of our "Favorite Lady's", Rep. Kay Hatcher.  It also has 33 co-sponsors as of this writing.
It now is listed as  Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence Senate Amendment(s) 1.
This could go and be "Concured" right on the House Floor which could save a lot of time as we only have the 29th, 30th, and 31st left for session unless they extend session for another week.
I don't want to see the state have extended expenses but I also don't want to wait till veto session to get our bill.
Meanwhile the link for the bill is below:
The link for the House is below and ask that they not only vote for it but sign on as a co-sponsor. The more the merrier and we want a veto proof Super, Super Majority vote.
Talking Points are:
ABATE of Illinois Supports HB2520

This bill was gutted and our own new language was inserted.                                                    
Our Poker Run Act bill is up for 3rd reading
This is the bill to legalize Poker Runs for the charities that bikers do and for Not For Profit organizations such as many of our clubs and organizations including us.
Talking PointsNo segment in our society raises more money for charities and local citizens that are down and out on their luck than bikers.
Bikers jump at the chance to ride for charities and donate money to those that are down and out of luck, no matter what the occasion and weather forecast.

Since "Land Based Gaming: has become law, Illinois liquor and Gaming agents have been tearing down our fliers in Restaurants and Bars claiming they are illegal as they use poker cards. spinners, dice,,and marble spinners to complete the run. These items are for gaming and they are illegal to have in bars
On April 20 Bikers raised $20,000 for the family of Illinois State Motorcycle Trooper Kyle Deatherage. Half the money was put in his children's education fund and the rest was given to the family for expenses.
This run will be held every year with the proceeds going to a "First
Responders" emergency fund.                               We all know there are hundreds of charity events out there like this one and dozens more for
"Charity Organizations" such as "March of Dimes", "Shiner's", "Jerry"s Kids" etc,etc.

Ask them to help us, to help them

Please call them and ask that they vote YEAH for HB2520 and also to sign on as a CO-SPONSOR of this bill.
This bill was gutted and our own new language was inserted.
is bill is ours to loose if you don't react and make those calls.
Link for the
House is
Bob Myers
State Legislative Coordinator
ABATE of Illinois, Inc.