Sunday, June 9, 2013

FLORIDA - 104 Days Caged for the dastardly act of offering others FIJA info, Mark Schmitder Now Free


The write-up below was authored by William Toler and originally posted to under the title “Pamphleteer released from jail”
A Florida man arrested in 2011 for pamphleteering has been released from his cage.
Mark Schmitder celebrates being a free(r) man. Courtesy: Nick Egoroff
Mark Schmitder celebrates being a free(r) man. Courtesy: Nick Egoroff
Mark Schmidter left jail Tuesday after serving 104 days in jail for passing out jury nullification fliers. He was caged for disobeying a seemingly unconstitutional order by Judge Belvin Perry around the time of the Casey Anthony trial.
Jury nullification is a little-known power of the jury to not only judge the facts of a case, but the law itself. New Hampshire recently enacted legislation to recognize the practice.
Shortly after becoming a free(r) man, Schmidter gave an interview to FOX 35 and had some words for the man in the robe: “I’ll see you at your deposition that I’m holding on you, because I filed a federal lawsuit against the State of Florida, and also Judge Belvin Perry, and we have a deposition on him at the end of July.”
Judge Perry had established a ban on pamphlets and set up a “free speech zone” during the trial that held the news media captive. Judge Andrew Napolitano blasted Perry for his extreme orders: “It’s irrelevant what the pamphlet said. In America, we have the natural and constitutional right to free speech. Where on Earth does this judge presume to get the authority to stop anyone from saying anything outside a public courthouse? Has he ever heard of the First Amendment?”
Schmitder has been considered a political prisoner during his incarceration, since he was jailed for the information he was passing out and refusing to let a man in a robe dictate outside his realm of control.
Schmidter also told the Orlando station that he doesn’t intend on stopping. “I’m going to Seminole County Monday morning, June 10th, because that’s the Trayvon Martin case, and up there I’m going to hand out the Constitution. I just want to see if they’re going to give me an administrative order to stop.”