Sunday, June 16, 2013

Female Israeli soldiers disciplined for posing with only vests and guns

TEL AVIV - A group of female Israeli soldiers has been disciplined after photographs of the scantily clad women holding their rifles appeared on Facebook.
They were seen wearing only a combat vest and helmets on their heads in one photograph.
"The picture in question represents behavior unbecoming IDF [Israeli Defense Force] soldiers. The commanding officers disciplined the soldiers as they saw fitting,” the army said in a statement.
An IDF spokesperson said that "educational lectures took place on the base in order to prevent similar recurrences” after the pictures were discovered.
The photographs are the latest in a series of incidents in which Israeli soldiers have posted potentially embarrassing images on the internet.
A search on YouTube for “Israeli soldiers dancing” produces thousands of results, including a platoon of soldiers dancing in Hebron in the Palestinian West Bank to U.S. star Kesha's Tik Tok tune.

Israeli newspapers report on a group of female soldiers who were disciplined after photographs of the scantily clad women holding their rifles appeared on Facebook.