Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Fairwarning.org seems to be an enemy.

What are your gut feelings about this California based group?
The article in this talks about BOLT of California and aludes to Quig.
Booming Sales of Novelty Helmets Boost Toll of Motorcycle Deaths
By Rick Schmitt on April 22, 2013
Novelty helmets first became popular as a symbol of resistance in states that required bikers to wear certified helmets. A fight to have California’s helmet law struck down in court was for years led by a man who was repeatedly arrested for violating the helmet law by wearing a baseball cap with a bogus “DOT,” or U.S. Department of Transportation, safety label on the back.
One group, BOLT of California, still takes the position that a state law requiring head protection can be met “so long as you have an object on your head that you claim is a helmet, and it has the letters ‘DOT’ on it.”