Thursday, June 13, 2013

AUSTRALIA - Abbott vows to take on bikies

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott has vowed to crack down on escalating bikie violence and will consider reinstating the now closed Gold Coast Federal Police Station if the Coalition wins the September election.
Speaking on the Gold Coast as part of a two-day tour of the city, Mr Abbott also vowed to extend the light rail to the heavy rail and down to the airport ``over time'', if in government.
Speaking at the TSS breakfast in front of more that 1000 loyal supporters, Mr Abbott said the Gold Coast was a ``super city'' with a ``have-a-go spirit''.
But he admitted there were problems, including bikies and a lack of infrastructure.
``I think you can judge the Coalition on its record and the Howard Government did put an Australian Federal Police station here on the Gold Coast for precisely this reason (bikies),'' he said.
``It's an important city and it has particular problems and obviously it has become a bit of a focus for bikie gangs.
``We will be closely monitoring what the Commonwealth Government, what the Australian Crime Commission can do to bring gangs which have national operations under better control, should we win the election.''
He said a Coalition government would ``fully restore'' a community crime prevention program.
``It did exist under the Howard Government. It was abolished substantially under the current Government. We put the proceeds of crime to work to make our communities safer through better lighting and through CCTV in crime hotspots.''
Mr Abbott fell short of committing to reopen the Federal Police station, but said he would look closely at it.
``You need to get operational advice from the Australian Federal Police but judge us on our record. We have a very strong record when it comes to crime prevention on the Gold Coast.''
Mr Abbott also said the Gold Coast had ``particular infrastructure difficulties'' that needed addressing.
``I will be making announcements about the Commonwealth Games in the lead-up to the election. Everyone on the Gold Coast appreciates that the light rail system does need to link up to other infrastructure.
``It is difficult to put a timeline on it but obviously should we form a government we want to work with the Queensland Government and the Gold Coast city council to be as helpful as we can be.''