Wednesday, May 29, 2013

USA - Allowing our government to have this much "prying power"


Shocked! Angry! Worried!

That's how I felt when I watched Ron Paul's new video about the statists' National ID scheme that's currently making its way through the U.S. Senate.

If you haven't yet seen it, please take five minutes to watch it IMMEDIATELY.

In this video, Ron Paul warns about the dangers behind a National ID card - and gives you a detailed plan of what YOU can do to help DEFEAT it.

As Ron Paul says in his video, this is the most dangerous National ID scheme he's ever seen.

Allowing our government to have this much "prying power" in our lives will ultimately result in the TOTAL loss of freedom.

So please take five minutes and watch the critical video.

After you watch it, be sure to sign the petition putting yourself squarely on record AGAINST the statists' National ID scheme.

In Liberty,

Erica D.

Congressman Ron Paul

Dear Erica,

It's critical you take a moment to watch my exclusive video below about how you can help DEFEAT the statists' National ID scheme.

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

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