Monday, May 27, 2013


Just a heads up, We have a call to action CTA from US Defenders please send this out to any people you have signed up and or any Bike sites you are on. We need to support this bill. Thank you. Lori
The following CTA is being sent to you on behalf of Moony, California State Commander, US Defenders

US Defenders,

As you know, Californians recently passed AB1047 that expressly prohibits a local or state law enforcement agency receiving grant money for a motorcyclist program from using that money for the implementation of motorcycles-only checkpoints.

The passage of this bill was greatly due to the outpouring of support from the US Defenders/COIR and MROs throughout the state.

Now, on a federal level Congressman James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) filed a bill to prohibit the federal funding of motorcycles-only roadside checkpoints.
HR 1861 – Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act
What is the bill about?
  • The US Defenders/C.O.I.R. reports that Congressman James Sensenbrenner (Wisconsin) filed a bill on Tuesday, May 7th to prohibit the federal funding of motorcycle only roadside checkpoints.
  • The bill, H.R. 1861, has nine original co-sponsors however; we need many more to pass this landmark legislation!
  • Sensenbrenner had this to say in a 'Dear Colleague letter' that is circulating in the House of Representatives:
  • 'In the 112th Congress, I introduced H.R. 904, a bill to prohibit the Department of Transportation (DOT) from providing funds to state and local authorities for the purpose of creating motorcycle only checkpoints. Section one of the Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act contains the same language as H.R. 904. However, this bill also contains language to force the DOT to focus motorcycle safety efforts on crash prevention programs, not national helmet mandates.' 
What can I do?
  • It's important to contact your sitting member of the U.S. House of Representatives and ask them to be a co-sponsor of this Bill. Ask them to contact Congressman James Sensenbrenner and lend their support as a co-sponsor of H.R. 1861.
How do I do it?
  • PHONE:  You can contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121The following is a sample conversation with your Representative:
  • "Hello my name is (your name) I live at  (your address) I am calling you to ask that you co-sponsor and support Jim Sensenbrenner's Bill H.R. 1861 Entitled Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act introduced on May 7th. As a concerned taxpaying citizen I would appreciate your support on this meaningful piece of legislation."
  • EMAIL:  You can also go to:, enter your zip code to find your Representative and email them directly.  Simply copy and paste the sample conversation into the body of your email and you’re done.  Be certain to add your name and address.
FYI -- I contacted my representative via email -- it truly only took me two minutes!!!


US Defenders
Midnite Riders MC