Thursday, May 23, 2013

Secret government advancements to restrain the citizenry!

Secret government advancements to restrain the citizenry!
The DoD just gave the President (by just Executive order) the go ahead for Armed Military Forces to be used in police action to assist police in quelling enemy attack, insurrection and civil disturbance.

This is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (which prohibits such action unless invited by a states senator). They don't need permission now.  SOURCE:

This went into effect yesterday.  Thoughts?
The DoD just gave the President (by just Executive order) the go ahead for Armed Military Forces to be used in police action to assist police in quelling enemy attack, insurrection and civil disturbance.

This is a direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act (which prohibits such action unless invited by a states senator). They don't need permission now. SOURCE:

This went into effect yesterday. Thoughts?