Sunday, May 26, 2013

Kickstarter - Record Electra's Debut Album (Pop, Rock, Classical) by Electra

Hello Philip!
I am emailing you to inform you about the Kickstarter our band is launching to help raise money for the recording of our debut album. The reason I am reaching out to you is in the hopes that you would be interested and/or willing to blog about it or post a message to all your fans and friends or have me on the show again or whatever suits you best! Other than people pledging the other most important contribution people can make is to spread the word. It would be an honor if you featured me and my kickstarter in a post or a show. If you are willing to do so, know that I will promote you and your work, and will have a page on my website thanking all those that helped out with the campaign. Your info and link to any of your sites will be posted on there.
Below is the preview link for my kickstarter:
As I mentioned its a preview so some edits may still occur before launching on May 12th, 2013. So if you decide to help out, please wait till the campaign launches before you publish anything and I will send you the appropriate link. The campaign will run for 30 days and end on my birthday, June 11th. It is an all or nothing campaign which means that I have to raise $15,000 within the 30 days. If I don't raise the full amount, then I will not receive any of the money and no one gets charged their pledges. With each pledge there are some great priceless incentives being given out.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask me.
I really appreciate your time and thank you in advance.
Hope to hear from you soon.