Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother’s Day

Cyril-Huze-Happy-Mothers-DayMothers Day celebrations are first said to have taken place in the time of ancient Greeks and Romans hundreds of years ago. It is neither a recent phenomenon as many people believe it to be. Nor it is the creation of card and gift marketers as assumed by cynics of Mothers Day.
The story of Mothers Day in US began with the efforts of a dynamic writer and poetess, Julia Ward Howe in 1872. An activist to the core Julia utilized her potentials to further the cause of Mothers Day. She wrote a powerful Mothers Day Proclamation in Boston in 1870 and demanded declaration of official holiday and celebrations on Mothers Day. Her idea gained popularity but she could not get the idea implemented. Julia is also credited for penning words for Civil War song, “Battle Hymn of the Republic”.
Today Mothers Day is celebrated in more than 46 countries around the world though at different times in the month of May and in some countries it is celebrated in entirely different times of the year. In the present time Mothers Day has come to be internationally recognized as the day to honor all mothers and thank them for the services they impart for the benefit of their individual child and consequently to the development of mankind.