Friday, May 24, 2013

CHECK THIS OUT - Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley

Not only is the story of Lt Col Dooley disturbing and a sad commentary on our government and military, add to this the fact that Maj. Nidal Hasan the Fort Hood murderer of 13 people is still on active duty, still being paid his full salary (to date $278G) and has NO trail date has been set yet.
After London (May 22) , and places around the globe, we can't afford to be amongst the un-informed!
 Subject: Fwd: Lt. Col. Matthew Dooley         THIS IS UPSETTING Lt. Col Matthew Dooley, a West Point graduate and highly-decorated combat veteran, was an instructor at the Joint Forces Staff College at the National Defense University. He had 19 years of service and experience, and was considered one of the most highly qualified military instructors on Radical Islam & Terrorism. He taught military students about the situations they would encounter, how to react, about Islamic culture, traditions, and explained the mindset of Islamic extremists. Passing down first hand knowledge and experience, and teaching courses that were suggested (and approved) by the the Joint Forces Staff College. The course "Perspectives on Islam and Islamic Radicalism" ,which was suggested and approved by the Joint Forces Staff College, caught the attention of several Islamic Groups, and they wanted to make an example of him. They collectively wrote a letter expressing their outrage, and the Pro-Islamic Obama Administration was all too happy to assist. The letter was passed to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , Martin Dempsey. Dempsey publicly degraded and reprimanded Dooley, and Dooley received a negative Officer Evaluation Report almost immediately (which he had aced for the past 5 years). He was relieved of teaching duties, and his career has been red-flagged. “He had a brilliant career ahead of him. Now, he has been flagged.” - Richard Thompson, Thomas More Law Center "All US military Combatant Commands, Services, the National Guard Bureau, and Joint Chiefs are under Dempsey's Muslim Brotherhood-dictated order to ensure that henceforth, no US military course will ever again teach truth about Islam that the jihadist enemy finds offensive ,or just too informative." - Former CIA agent Claire M. Lopez (about Lt. Col Dooley) The Obama Administration has demonstrated lightning speed to dismiss Military brass that does not conform to it's agenda, and not surprisingly, nobody is speaking up for Lt. Col. Dooley. IT'S A SAD DAY FOR THIS COUNTRY WHEN GOOD LOYAL MEN LIKE THIS GET THROWN UNDER THE BUS BECAUSE NOBODY HAS THE COURAGE TO STAND UP! Share this if you would. Lets bring some attention to this.   __________ Information from ESET NOD32 Antivirus, version of virus signature database 8365 (20130523) __________ The message was checked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus.