Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CA - This May And All Year, Remember Motorcycles

This May And All Year, Remember Motorcycles

Posted by Claude Wyle
May 28, 2013 6:00 PM

As more drivers ride motorcycles as their primary mode of transportation, the California Highway Patrol (CHP), Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) want all those on the road to remain aware and respectful of our two wheeled counterparts. Motorcycle Safety Month, kicking off this May, aims to spread awareness and encourage everyone to be respectful on the road. Inspired by an increase in motorcycle related collisions in the state, the campaign hopes to reduce accidents and increase motorcycle safety.
In California alone there are more than 1.3 million licensed motorcyclists. As motorcycles are one of the smallest vehicles on the road, they are more prone to hiding in car's blind spots and remaining unnoticed by fellow motorists. Just as motorcyclists are reminded to remain visible to automobile drivers, so too should automobile drivers maintain awareness for motorcycles in their proximity.
According to the California Highway Patrol, in 2011 there were 400 people killed and 12,000 injured due to motorcycle related accidents. This number represents an almost 20 percent increase from previous years. Following a period of dramatic declines, the increase in deaths raises concern with transportation authorities throughout the state.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF), an organization which emphasizes the importance of motorcycle safety, will use this month to continue their campaign of appropriate clothing and safety gear while riding. The Vice President of the MSF, Robert Gladden, spoke out concerning motorcyclist safety, stating that: “Not only should motorcyclists wear protective gear, all of the time, including a helmet manufactured to the standards set by the U.S Department of Transportation they should ride unimpaired by alcohol or drugs. If you follow these simple steps, lives can be saved.”
Although as concerned citizens we all do our best to ensure each other’s safety on the road, accidents do happen. It is important that if you are injured as a result of a motorcycle accident that you consult both a medical and legal professional immediately.