Saturday, May 25, 2013

A message from Hank McGrath

Hank would like you to support "Save The Culture Center Project "

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Hank says...
The Nations first American Biker Culture Center & Community Law Library was opened October 2012 in Central New York to assist in empowering the culture to fight the extreme number of civil rights violations, bias, discrimination and unjust profiling cases suffered by folks young and old who ride a motorcycle. In a matter of weeks we were also assisting with referrals by senior citizens, veterans and others unrelated to the motorcycle culture and we became a reference facility for everyone to seek legal referrals, consultations and assistance in preparing their pro se cases. ONLY ONE PERSON runs the office - Hank McGrath - functioning solely "out of pocket" with no income! Months later - we are now forced to consider closing this important service to the community at large and to the motorcycle culture simply because I lack sufficient funds or income to obtain non profit status, continue the projects effectively or even obtain part time assistance.
I have a 4 year old daughter (seen in the picture) whom I raise, at 56 years old, without government or agency dictation and am now in dire need of funds to serve as an income/stipend or to fund the operation further. I must close the doors by July 2013 in order to seek personal employ and income. It will be a very sad day for the dozens of folks across the State and US we have assisted and for those presently needing assistance we will have to turn away.
Keep in mind - we do not charge for our service, it is free. Folks come use the law library, use our website for important legal research links, call for consultation and obtain materials from us - ALL FREE!
It is just common sense that one can not run this operation without an income or stipend nor care for his young daughter without sufficient income or stipend.
We NEED YOUR HELP! Continue Reading >>

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