Monday, April 29, 2013


Building Muscle Based Upon Your Body Type
Ever wonder why some guys can train in the gym day after day, month after month, year after year, suck down raw eggs and protein powder and pop every bodybuilding supplement pill they can get their hands on -- and BARELY see any progress?! Read More
Financial Security for Your Family
$400K of SGLI is not enough for your family. Get the coverage you need with Navy Mutual. Up to $1,000,000 of coverage for just $41 a month. Contact Navy Mutual Now. Read More
Veteran's Benefit Guide: All in One Place
Paycheck Chronicles: Military Pay News
GI Bill: Higher Education Alternatives Blogs: More Than Just News and Benefits
Money for School: Education Benefits Subscriptions: Get the all the News in Your Inbox
Prison Time Cut in AF Harassment Case
A former Ohio-based Air Force official convicted of mistreatment after sending racy text messages and photos to female subordinates is getting his 20-month prison sentence cut to four months. Read More
Former Marine's Navy Cross Claim False
A former Marine who cited lofty military honors when he was spared prison at his sentencing in Niagara County Court two weeks ago may soon find himself in more legal trouble for lying about battlefield decorations. Read More
McChrystal Absolved After Magazine Flap
A Pentagon investigation has largely debunked allegations that former Gen. Stanley McChrystal and his staff in Afghanistan made disparaging remarks about senior Obama administration officials. Read More
Rota Commander is Relieved of Command
The commander of the U.S. Navy base in Rota, Spain, has been relieved of command after Navy leadership lost confidence in him to "effectively handle issues surrounding an ongoing investigation under his authority." Read More
Bank Settles Military Foreclosure Claims
Banking giant JPMorgan Chase & Co., which admitted earlier this year that it had improperly overcharged thousands of military families on their mortgages and foreclosed on the homes of servicemembers in Iraq and Afghanistan, will pay $26 million to settle the class action lawsuit that brought the activity to light. Read More
Report Won't Change Helmets ... Yet
Despite a recent Livermore Lab report on significant impact resistance from a small increase in padding, the Army says its current advanced combat helmet and the future enhanced combat helmet offer the best overall protection against battlefield threats. Read More
Manning Being Moved to Leavenworth
The Army private suspected of giving classified data to WikiLeaks is being moved to a state-of-the-art facility at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, where Pentagon officials said more extensive mental, emotional and physical health care will be available. Read More
US, British Nuclear Sub Secrets Revealed
A blunder by British Defense Ministry staff put secrets about British and U.S. nuclear submarines on the Internet for all to see. Read More
Drill Sergeants Want AF Recruit Rifle Quals
The Air Force needs to dramatically increase the marksmanship component of basic training, according to an Army and an Air Force drill sergeant who recently completed a drill instructor exchange program and were tasked with identifying potential improvements to the Army and Air Force basic courses. Read More
Another Sailor Found Dead on Enterprise
A Sailor has been found dead aboard the Norfolk-based aircraft carrier Enterprise, the Navy said, the second time in a month that a Sailor has been found dead on the ship. Read More
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