Friday, May 3, 2013

The Real "Machine Gun Preacher" - Sam Childers comes to Oceanside, CA. Sat. May 4th

Dear Friends in Christ,

We are excited about having my close friend:  Sam Childers "The Real
Machine Gun Preacher" -
at Rushing Wind Ministries on Saturday, May 4th. at 6 pm.  It is a
free event and pen to the public, everyone is invited.
The address is:  4168 Avenida De La Plata, Oceanside, CA.  920502

Sam's life story was first written in the autobiography "Another Man's
War" - then adapted by Hollywood into the non-christian "R" rated
moving - "Machine Gun Preacher".  Gerard Butler plays Sam in the

***   We're expecting a large crowd - so it will take place in our
parking lot.  At  6 pm the "Full Throttle Band" will hit the stage,
playing some cool classic rock and blues...  The Full Throttle Band
has been playing at churches and outreaches all over the US, and we're
excited about opening for Sam here at home.  Everyone seems to enjoy
the "Full Throttle Band"...
There will also be "free tacos" served in the parking lot...

Then Sam will be on at: 7 pm...   and sharing his amazing story.  We
hope that you'll join us on Saturday , May 4th at 6 p.m.  It should be
a very blessed evening.

Please invite your family ad friends to hear this amazing story of
God's Work in a man - who experiences a real life change, and becomes
an evangelist, and establishes orphanages throughout the Sudan.

***   This Saturday night, April 20th at 6 pm - we'll have a
fingerfood potluck at 6 pm, and showing the "edited PG13 version" of
Machine Gun Preacher - that is for geared  for the general public and
Christian audiences...
Here's the official trailer for the movie:         

 "Machine Gun Preacher"
Love and Respect,Pastor Z. and Rushing Wind Ministries