Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tenn - CMT/ABATE of Tennessee Needs Our Help..


And to those of you who did nothing, you are welcome to enjoy the freedoms others have provided you!

Subject: CMT/ABATE of Tennessee Needs Our Help

CMT/ABATE of TN is our sister organization and they are currently working on a helmet bill in their state that would give adults the option to ride free. I ask that you do two things. First is to please take the online poll in the first link. Next is to please contact the Tennessee legislature as well as anyone you may know in Tennessee and get the calls going in support of these two bills. There is a sample letter below along with links to key legislators. Let's help our neighbor to the south. They did the same for us.
Thanks Jay Huber
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Daniel Hayes <>
Wanted to make sure you guys saw this and see if
you would blast it out to your membership. We can use all of the votes we can
get.We're behind in the poll right now, but it's early, and we can turn it around.
Would appreciate any help you guys can give us in the voting.Thanks!
Contact the Tennessee Legislature
To email or call about your Liberty Restoration Bill:
Representative / Senator __________,
On behalf of all citizens
in your district, please vote in favor of HB0894/SB1143, the “Liberty
Restoration Act.”
I say all citizens because this issue
is much bigger than the liberty of your motorcycle constituents. The small mom
and pop merchants of your district deserve to enjoy the positive economic
impact of motorcycle tourism that helmet choice has provided in thirty-one
other states.
When Michigan restored their adult
choice last year, out of state motorcycles started showing up for tourism
events and ‘just because’ road trips. This was an immediate reward to local
If you are concerned about the fearful
numbers of the liberty opponents, consider this simple fact: There are 31 other
states who afford adult motorcyclists the rights to choose with more than 40
years history on the subject. If the Pennsylvania Legislature can study the
subject not once but twice and find no significant impact, then surely
Tennessee deserves to become the 32nd state.
I understand that my Liberty Bill has a
2 year report designed exactly like PA conducted. Please help us get real
numbers from this trial period and ignore the hypothetical numbers that have
failed to repeal helmet laws in 31 other states.
We can both bet that if the sky really
does fall and motorcyclist’s uninsured injuries start to bleed the state
treasury that the liberty opponents will be there to point out that the mandate
must be restored.
Your name & contact info”
House of Representatives Transportation Committee Members
(hold control button and click on name to go their contact page)
Address as Chairman to:
  • Vince Dean, Chair (Thank for his commitment to support!)
  • Mike Sparks, Vice-Chair (Thank for his commitment to
  • Terri Lynn Weaver, Chair of Transportation
         Sub-Committee (Thank for her continued support! Past co-sponsor)
Senate Transportation Committee
Address as Chairman to:
  • Jim Tracy, Chair (Thank for his continued support!)
  • Mae Beavers, 1st Vice-Chair (Thank for co-sponsoring!!!)
  • Frank Niceley, 2nd Vice-Chair (Thank for co-sponsoring!!!)
There are more supporters in this list. They simple wish to
remain ‘unpublished’ supporters. If nothing changes, we have the votes in both
Committees. But still… “YES!!!” Write emails and call TODAY. We need YOUR
insurance policy of help!!!
We can’t do it FOR ya… but we sure can WITH ya!
Seize the Day!
Rhonda Rae Williams
YOUR Legislative Director for
931-205-2644 mobile / text
931-815-2224 office