Wednesday, February 12, 2014

SAN DIEGO, CA - Mixed Reviews for The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC Second Season

Internet outlets and social media are abuzz with mixed reviews for The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC, as the second season of the Discovery Channel’s “reality” show The Devils Ride premiered last night to an audience that seems to “love to hate” the show.
Comments left on a previous story indicate disdain for the show, but it appears that most actually watched the premiere prior to commenting.  It’s assumed that the Discovery Channel doesn’t care why people watch, only that they do. Whether you like or hate the show (and there doesn’t appear to be any middle ground), The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC continue to bring in viewership for the Discovery Channel and entertainment value across the Web.
The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC
The Devils Ride Facebook page is featuring 10% off “support gear” today. Hmmm.
Photo courtesy of The Devils Ride, Facebook.

The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC Hot Topics

Incredibly, it came as a surprise to some that Tommy “Gipsy” Quinn was no longer featured as the “Prez” of Sinister Mob Syndicate (or “Sin Mob”), purportedly removed for “conduct unbecoming.” After being acknowledged as such, the character was glaringly and all-too-obviously absent, even in dialogue, considering the character’s strong presence in Season One.  Some viewers are complaining that “Gipsy” was the only reason to watch the show, and are quite outspoken about feeling deceived by the Discovery Channel’s silence about “Gipsy’s” MIA status.
Is Tommy Quinn absent from The Devils Ride because of legal trouble last summer?  It’s difficult to ascertain given Discovery Channel’s suspicious mute reaction to Mr. Quinn’s widely-publicized arrest last August, and especially since evidence pointed toward Mr. Quinn being the impetus of the Laffing Devils’ participation in the show in the first place.  Some are speculating that “Gipsy” did not re-sign for Season Two due to the also widely-publicized identification of his wife as a San Diego public servant, a credibility-damning factor discussed at length during Season One.  What happened to Gipsy?
For the ladies, it seems that the “Sin Mob” prospect may be this season’s eye-candy. One has to wonder (not really) if Discovery Channel anticipated that?  If so, no doubt viewers can expect the prospect to be sans a shirt in several scenes of episodes to come.
In the premiere of Season Two, the “war” between the Laffing Devils MC and the new “Sin Mob Syndicate” was supposed to “heat up,” with new “hardcore” cast members and Season One’s bad boy “Sandman” taking over the Laffing Devils “Prez” office.  To avoid any confusion should there be a Season Three of The Devils Ride, fans can expect yet another “Prez” to be missing in action, as “Sandman’s” own legal troubles will likely exclude him from further participation (but you can help him raise money for his defense).  Surely the Discovery Channel writers have already provisioned for this eventuality, as press releases prior to the Season Two premiere stated that “Danny Boy and Sandman are butting heads.”
Viewers expressed disappointment in The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC, as social media discussions are revolving around the lack of substantial “action” and the obviously “scripted” nature of the touted “reality show.”  Just like Season One, some viewers (again with the emphasis on “viewers,” as the show is definitely being watched even by those claiming to hate it) complain endlessly about the credibility – or lack thereof – of the Laffing Devils and Sin Mob as “motorcycle clubs.”
Loving the show?  The Devils Ride Facebook page is offering 10% off Laffing Devils “support gear” today.
Mixed Reviews for The Devils Ride and the Laffing Devils MC Second Season