Saturday, April 13, 2013

Mich Helmet poll to reinstate law


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Poll: Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Law

Members of Michigan's insurance and medical industries as well as some rider groups are calling on lawmakers and Gov. Rick Snyder to reinstate the state's mandatory motorcycle helmet law.
The group met at the Capitol Wednesday. They say modifying the law to allow people over the age of 21 to ride helmetless is costing the state lives.
A recent study by a University of Michigan researcher says 26 fewer people would have died last year if all riders wore helmets.
Heather Drake of AAA Michigan says "The data is clear. The experiment is over in Michigan. Helmets save lives."
Michigan's American Bikers Aiming Toward Education says helmets should be a rider's choice. They say tougher licensing, motorcycle safety programs and driver awareness is more effective at saving lives than helmets.
Tonight in the Daily Pulse we're wondering: Should Michigan's mandatory motorcycle helmet law be reinstated? Yes or no? Why or why not?

Poll: Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Law
Should Michigan's mandatory motorcycle helmet law be reinstated?
Why or why not?