Friday, April 26, 2013

LAS VEGAS - Bikers Could Soon be Splitting Lanes

LAS VEGAS -- Lane splitting is one step closer to becoming legal in Nevada with the practice already legal in states like California.
An amateur YouTube video is posted to demonstrate how lane splitting is done and it's a practice that some bikers use to squeeze through traffic that's not moving as fast as it should.
Wayne Flora is a biker and he's against any laws that would make lane splitting legal.
"Cars typically don't pay attention enough to watch for bikes to start with," Flora said. "A 3,000 pound car versus my leg, I'll stay in my lane."
Flora said all it takes is one move or lane change for a driver to send a biker crashing to the ground.
Chris Gibson drives his truck everywhere and even though it's illegal, he's seen bikers on the I-15 freeway maneuver their way through rush hour traffic.
"It's more of a safety hazard than it is an easement for the motorcyclists to get around," Gibson said. "I'm white knuckled, because I fear for that man's life because if he goes down, he's going to get hurt."
Whether Assembly Bill 236 is passed or not, Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Loy Hixson said bikers are still going to take the gamble.
"The biggest thing is, it's unsafe," Hixson said. "They will take that chance and they will do it because it will help them get to their destination quicker."
The bill has already passed the Assembly as it now heads onto the Senate.
Another part of this bill is that bikers can't go more than 10 miles an hour faster than the cars they're passing.