Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"Contact your Senators & urge them to oppose S.649 & all anti-gun amendments!


Write Your Representatives

Help Protect Your Second Amendment Rights!
  1. Send the prewritten email below or to write your own, click here!
  2. Fill out form below to write your lawmakers today!  After filling out the form, you may then select its recipients by checking or unchecking their names.
Before you can take action, we need to learn more about you.
 Protect Your Rights!
 Your voice needs to be heard! Urge your lawmakers to oppose any and all gun control proposals that have been, or will be, introduced, particularly so-called “universal” background checks, which would criminalize the private transfer of firearms and any legislation that would arbitrarily limit ammunition magazines or reinstate the failed ban on commonly owned semi-automatic rifles.

Write Your Reps

Let your voice be heard! Write your federal and state representatives today and tell them to support your Second Amendment rights!