Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Marathon Scare: Our Terrorism Abroad Washes Back Ashore

Boston Marathon Scare: Our Terrorism Abroad Washes Back Ashore...
 Regardless of who was really behind them and why, chances are the Boston Marathon bombings would not have happened if unconstitutional laws like AUMF 2001 and NDAA 2012 Sec 1021 were not on the books.
Monday's Boston Marathon bombings killed 3 Americans and wounded more than 180 others.  It was clearly an act of terrorism, but as with 9/11 no terrorist organization has thus far claimed responsibility.  That's seen by some as an indication that the act was state-sponsored.  If so, what state (

I don't know who did it.  You probably don't know who did it.  And I'm convinced that the fearmongering CNN, Faux News, MSDNC and other mainstream media empty talking heads that started cackling "Al Qaeda! Al Qaeda! Al Qaeda! Homegrown Jihadists! 9/11!" before the dust even settled have no clue either (

Yes, the Boston Marathon Scare - which is how it will be leveraged by the fascist propaganda mouthpieces of our government and the Military Industrial Complex ( that controls it - is a human tragedy.  But it is only one of countless human tragedies, and perhaps for perspective we should view it in comparison to just a few of the other "acts of terrorism" that occurred within a few days of the Beantown bombings:

- In Afghanistan, a "fierce battle between U.S.-backed Afghan forces and Taliban militants in a remote corner of eastern Afghanistan left nearly 20 people dead, including 11 Afghan children killed in an airstrike...  An airstrike in the same district in Kunar that killed 10 civilians in mid-February prompted Karzai to ban his forces from requesting airstrikes (  "And along with drone attacks, an average of 4.8 children are killed per day in Afghanistan..." (

- In Iraq - where Dubya declared "Mission Accomplished" and which Odrona claims we "left with honor" - "As of midday on Monday, as security officials and medical workers continued to count the dead and wounded, at least 37 people had been killed and more than 140 wounded in nearly 20 separate attacks, mostly car bombings, in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Hilla, Falluja, Nasiriya and Tikrit, according to local officials.  The local elections, the first since the withdrawal of the American military at the end of 2011, are being anticipated warily by American diplomats and United Nations officials as a crucial test of Iraq's shaky democracy" (

- In Pakistan, "At least 5 persons were killed and seven others injured when a US drone struck a compound in South Waziristan Agency (SWA) here in Wana on Wednesday.  According to details, an unmanned US spy plane fired two missiles at a residential compound located in village Sararogha of Babar Kot in SWA.  As a result of missiles strike the compound was destroyed completely resulting in death of 5 people and leaving 7 others injured.  It was feared that death toll may rise further as condition of some injured people was also stated to be critical" (  U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan are killing 49 innocent civilians - including children - for every 1 "known terrorist" taken out (

- Here at home, "Almost once every hour a U.S. military veteran takes his or her life.  The Department of Veterans Affairs reports that 22 veterans commit suicide every day, on average.  Austin veteran Andrew O'Brien almost become one of them.  He survived a suicide attempt in 2010, after returning from a 12-month deployment to Iraq.  Now he's telling his story to raise awareness of post-traumatic stress disorder and military suicides" (

For decades America's false and failed "nationbuilding" efforts have spread death, destruction and moral decay more so than "democracy".  American drone, missile and bomb strikes are now terrorizing, maiming and killing innocent civilians and children in unprecedented numbers, and America's military forces are losing more troops to guilt- and depression-related suicides than they are to "enemy forces" that the American government itself is funding (  It should come as no surprise, consequently, that the insanity and inhumanity our perpetual wars for oil and profit are proliferating overseas would make their way back to our shores.

Regardless of who was really behind the Boston Marathon attack - and regardless of whether their motive was payback for years of murder and mayhem or psyop propaganda to convince you to sacrifice Social Security that's real for National Security that isn't - one thing is certain:  On Monday 15 April 2013 the citizens of Boston got a very small taste of the death and destruction America delivers daily around the world, the principal and questionable legal justification for which is the post 9/11 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force.  Pass H.R. 198 to repeal it, and we'll all be in a safer place.  AUMF Hunger Striker IronBoltBruce has fasted for 22 days, lost 31 pounds and much of his strength in hopes of raising awareness and rallying support to make that happen (

And you?