Friday, March 29, 2013

Upcoming audio conference: The role of sequestration on federal funding

Sequestration. It's a word that invokes fear and anxiety among policymakers and program officials alike. With so much uncertainly, and plenty of spin coming from the pundits, they simply want to know how their organizations are going to be affected.
  • How do the across-the-board budget cuts, as mandated in the Budget Control Act of 2011, affect social services programs?
  • What's the impact on federal revenue streams for scores of grant programs?
  • Will education programs be influenced by sequestration?
  • What about money for innovative research?
  • How will worthwhile community development initiatives be affected?
  • What about funding for public housing?
  • Will Medicare and Medicaid be impacted?
  • Will community health centers see funding reductions?
That's why we invite you to join our staff of Congressionally credentialed editors on Thursday, April 4th, from 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. EDT for a roundtable discussion about "The Role of Sequestration on Federal Funding.”
This FREE event, presented by CD Publications, will feature in-depth analyses and reporting on how your ability to serve your community may be affected by potential cuts in federal spending. Plus, we'll provide plenty of time for you to ask questions and receive real-time feedback.
But you need to sign up now!
Don't delay and register now to attend. There are only a limited number of slots available for this FREE event -- and when they're gone, there will be no more.
Just go to