Friday, March 8, 2013

Ohio Rider education programs HB 35 passed!!!

IT'S THANK YOU TIME !!!! ..............................
.....HB 35 passed out the the Ohio House of Representatives by a Floor vote of 62-32 clean of any legislative language detrimental to Ohio's Motorcycle Rider Education System...............This morning was also an "Informal Hearing" in the Senate Transportation on HB 35 which is where the bill is moving to from the house at which time Summit County State Senator and ABATE Friend Frank LaRose stated "We don't want to mess with these Bikers" and suggested that the matter of transferring the Rider Ed Funds from a dedicated fund to a Public Safety "slush" fund not even be brought up in marking up (writing) HB 35 in the Senate . His fellow Committee Members agreed.........This news along with the vote today on the House Floor is pretty much the nail in the coffin for the Governor's proposal in the budget for the transfer of Rider Ed monies out of a dedicated fund that Motorcyclists of Ohio pay six bucks per MC plate into per year into a Public Safety "slush" fund where said monies would be allowed to be appropriated for such things as Operations cost of the Ohio State Highway Patrol. ........................................................................................
Were going to ask you make one more set of calls;
Please call the members BELOW of the Transportation Sub Committee of the Ohio House Finance and Appropriations Committee and THANK THEM FOR PROTECTING THE DEDICATED FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR OHIO'S MOTORCYCLE RIDER EDUCATION PROGRAM as they were responsible for deleting the transfer language from the substitute HB 35 bill voted on today. Then call your own State Reps that you may have called and thank them also.
1) 614-466-2038 – Rep. Ross McGregor, chairman
2) 614-466-1308 – Rep. Alicia Reece, ranking minority member
3) 614-466-8114 – Rep. Richard Adams, member
4) 614-466-2473 – Rep. John Patrick Carney, member
5) 614-466-9690 – Rep. Cheryl Grossman, member
ABATE and the AMA will still be watching HB 35 as it moves through the Ohio Senate but we are pretty sure that through your persevering diligence we have saved OUR Ohio Rider Education Program from any future attacks on it's funding........Thank You All and God Bless.......FreddY
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Source: Abate Summit County