Thursday, March 7, 2013

NEBRASKA - Motorcyclists ask for the right to decide LB 393 would require only those under 21 to wear a helmet

Motorcyclists ask for the right to decide LB 393 would require only those under 21 to wear a helmet

LINCOLN, Neb. —State lawmakers heard public debate on the latest effort to repeal Nebraska’s two-decade-old mandatory helmet law. Bikers packed the state Capitol Tuesday, asking for the right to choose.
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Sen. Dave Bloomfield's bill, LB 393, would require only those under the age of 21 to wear helmets on motorcycles and mopeds. All riders would be required to wear protective eye gear or have a windshield.
Supporters of the bill said Nebraska is losing out on millions of dollars to bordering states that either have no motorcycle helmet laws or allow adults to choose.
“We have our own people riding out of state, spending their weekends and vacations in other states,” said Todd Miller.
Medical and highway-safety organizations opposed the bill.
“The helmet law does reduce fatalities. It does reduce traumatic brain injuries in Nebraska and ultimately does lower the cost of health care,” said Beverly Reicks with the National Safety Council.
Patrick Lang said the decision not to wear a helmet is something he is living with for the rest of his life. He suffered a traumatic brain injury when his motorcycle blew a tire on a trip to South Dakota in May 2010. His wife died in the accident. Neither of them wore a helmet.
“At one time, I was an advocate for the helmet law to be abolished. I'm not going to lie, but I didn't sit back and look at it as a father, as a friend or as a husband,” Lang said.
Another bill before the Legislature would ban children 8 and younger from riding motorcycles. Sen. Bill Avery said he introduced LB 181 after a 3-year-old fell off a motorcycle after falling asleep.
Some motorcycle groups said there's no need for the bill, saying child-endangerment laws are already severe enough.