Monday, March 25, 2013

Massachusetts - Yarmouth Residents needed to speak Against proposed MC Sound Warrant

Yarmouth Residents needed to speak Against proposed MC Sound Warrant
24 March 2013
In February, the Massachusetts Motorcycle Association (MMA) learned of a proposal to be raised at the Yarmouth Selectmen Meeting to hear a proposed bylaw concerning Motorcycle Sound Levels.  The MMMA attended the meeting in coordination with the Yarmouth Chief-of-Police and Deputy Chief; the result was convincing the Selectmen that such a Bylaw would be unsuccessful.  The Board of Selectmen voted 4-0 against the bylaw, however the article is on the Town Warrant to be heard at the Town Meeting on April 1, 2013.
Town Warrant Article #36 is to be heard on April 1, 2013 at the Yarmouth Town Meeting and seeks to fine riders $300 if Police Officers cannot see an EPA stamp on the exhaust, even when parked.  In other words, your motorcycle doesn't even need to be RUNNING!!

The Yarmouth Town Warrant can be viewed here:
This ill advised proposal mimics the Boston Ordinance which was enacted under the cover of darkness without motorcycle representation, but has yet to be enforced anywhere in the Commonwealth.  Further, other attempts to pass such legislation in the Commonwealth have been struck down as illegal to exceed State Law, either by Town Officials or by the State's Attorney General.  Also, as previously noted, the Board of Selectmen, the Police Department, and the Town's Legal Advisor do NOT support this proposed bylaw, but it hasn't deterred angry activists from pounding the Public Relations Drum with misinformation, accusing YOU of being a criminal without the benefit of a hearing.