Saturday, March 9, 2013

Manchester NH Police to conduct sobriety Checkpoint

  Sobriety Checkpoint
Submitted by John Brady
Police in Manchester, New Hampshire  are permitted to set up a sobriety check point as of March 1st. The checkpoint is set to take place in Manchester on Friday March 15,2013 and Saturday March 16,2013, the weekend of Saint Patrick’s Day. The petition to stomp on our rights even more was granted by Hillsborough County Superior Court North In Manchester, NH.  On March 4,2013, I decided I would call Manchester Police and ask them the location or closest landmark location the officer in charge told me that it was a matter of public safety to not disclose the location of the checkpoint. He continued by saying they have my interest and the rest of the public’s interest in mind and safety is there first priority. I asked him how wasting mine and other taxpayer dollars was in my best interest by entrapping peaceful people, he abruptly hung up on me. SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL ON FRIDAY MARCH 15,2013, AND SATURDAY MARCH 16,2013 THE GANGSTERS IN BLUE WILL BE OUT TO ENTRAP YOU IN MANCHESTER, NH.
On a side note, this is an excellent opportunity to participate in the Checkpoint Content Contest – Make sure to take your Camera!
To ascertain the location of this Sobriety Checkpoint you may want to contact Captain Rick Reilly (603) 668-8711 ext. 5429 email: or Lt. Maureen Tessier ext. 5433 email:
“Open records requests” means knowing what is happening(and not happening) at checkpoints. The reports of local police regarding
each checkpoint is public information through the Freedom of Information Act.