Thursday, March 21, 2013

DAV March 2013 Newsletter

Dear Philip,

The wake of war leaves devastating scars, leading to lasting — and often heartbreaking — pain in the lives of our veterans and their loved ones.

That’s why I treasure your support of the DAV mission.

You make sure DAV has what it takes to help veterans move on with life after they sacrificed their blood and their health for America.

The need for your help is enormous, immediate and urgent! Their futures are in your hands and mine. We must act through DAV now!

Keeping Our Promises!
Arthur H. Wilson
National Adjutant
Disabled American Veterans

Veterans' Disability Costs Double Since 2000
disability costs double   Since 2000, the number of veterans with service-connected disabilities has risen by 45%, and the price of caring for their traumas has doubled. One official from the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) points to multiple deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq as a driver of this trend.

DAV Celebrates Women in History
Women in History   Air Force veteran Stacy Pearsall is just one of two women to ever win the National Press Photographers Association's Military Photographer of the Year award — and she won it twice. Pearsall, a DAV life member, lends her voice in support of care for female veterans.

Just B Kids Scholarship Program
Just B Kids   DAV's long standing partnership with Golden Corral is now going to help our kids. This summer, at least 400 of the Camp Corral participants will be sponsored through DAV and DAVA's new "Just B Kids" scholarship program. Learn more at the Just B Kids site.

DAV Lauds New Burn Pit Registry
burn pit registry   A new law requires the VA to compile a registry of troops and veterans exposed to toxic fumes from pits where waste was burned in Iraq and Afghanistan. DAV has endorsed this registry as a way to document the damage and perhaps draw correlations between burn pits and certain health conditions.

Jobless Rate Falls, but Still High
jobless rate still high   It appears the jobless rate among Iraq and Afghanistan-era veterans peaked in 2011 at 12.1%, and fell to 9.9% in 2012. While the decline is welcome news, advocates say the number is still well above the overall national unemployment rate of 7.8%.

Local DAV Drives Home Its Mission
drives home mission   Last year, one DAV chapter took 1,282 vets to VA hospitals and clinics, logging 121,250 miles in the process. If driven continuously, the volunteer missions would have taken 4.6 months, and the miles would have added up to 4.8 trips around the Earth’s equator.

Cause of Gulf War Illness Sought
cause of illness sought   A new study suggests more Gulf War veterans are eligible for benefits, with some troops needing special attention. Nearly half of that conflict’s veterans have already filed disability claims for “Gulf War Illness.” Among the symptoms are chronic pain, fatigue and memory loss.

The Cost of Freedom
the cost of freedom   As our veterans well know, our country’s cherished freedoms do not come free.

Those who live in the wake of war know the cost of freedom in a way that most Americans never will. That’s especially true for veterans who came home with severe wounds and illnesses.

Now it’s our turn to give back to these warriors who gave so much to you and me. Will you continue your great generosity as you make a gift of $25 … $50 … $100 or more now?
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DAV Newsbriefs
Veterans' Disability Costs Double
DAV Celebrates Women in History
Just B Kids Scholarship Program
DAV Lauds Burn Pit Registry
Jobless Rate Falls, but Still High
Local DAV Drives Home Its Mission
Cause of Gulf War Illness Sought
The Cost of Freedom

Fulfill the Promises 
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Open your heart to our sick and wounded veterans as you make a gift of $25, $50, $100 or more now
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