Sunday, May 26, 2013

CA - Protect Your Right to a Trial for Traffic Tickets


Stop AB666

Protect Your Right to a Trial for Traffic Tickets
What does AB666 Do?

  • Eliminates Your Right to a Trial if You Get a Red Light Camera Ticket
  • Makes You Responsible for the Ticket Even When Someone Else Is Driving
  • Sets up Kangaroo “Administrative Hearing” Courts Run By Those Who Gave You the Ticket
  • No Evidence Other than the Ticket Itself is Needed to Convict You
  • No Right to Face Your Accuser
  • You Are Assumed Guilty and Have to Prove Your Innocence
  • You Will Have to Pay a Fee If You Want Your Case Heard in Court
  • Expands the Use of Photo Enforcement to Other Traffic Violations

Call California Assembly Member Bob Wieckowski and tell him Stop Selling Us Out to the Red Light Camera Companies

Tomorrow March 21st
Call (916) 319-2025
Ask for Ashley Medina, his Legislative Aid or just leave a message.
If the line is busy, keep calling till you get through

Sign the petition to stop AB 666 and get more info here