Thursday, March 28, 2013

Australia - Jail bosses prepare to segregate rival bikies

JAIL authorities are preparing to segregate members of rival bikie clubs within maximum-security units in Victoria's Barwon Prison amid a crackdown that will see bikies jailed for up to five years under new anti-association laws.

The Australian has learnt that the prison management has been preparing space in its maximum-security units to house the bikies, including members of the feuding Hells Angels and Bandidos clubs. This follows the proclamation last week of Victoria's new anti-association laws, which will allow police to go to the Supreme Court to seek the banning of deemed criminal organisations.

Members who breach bans will face up to five years' jail and the confiscation of property involved in the breach. Interstate orders will be registered and enforced in Victoria.

The High Court upheld the validity of similar laws in Queensland, and other states are expected to redraft laws that will lead to a national anti-(*club*) framework. The federal government has also announced plans to enact national anti-association laws.

"The ridiculous thing about this new law is that you will be thrown in jail for associating with your mates. In jail you will be associating with your mates again and also other hardcore criminals. It makes no sense," a senior bikie said.

It is expected that the new laws will boost the population of bikies in jail, creating tensions between clubs in conflict on the outside.

According to jail sources, authorities plan to house the rival bikies in separate high-security units at Barwon so their paths will never cross. Members of rival factions during Melbourne's gangland war were housed in Barwon's Acacia unit and were allowed to mix with with two or three other inmates. The method was successful until Carl Williams was killed by cellmate Matthew Johnson in April 2010.

A spokesman for Corrections Victoria did not deny the segregation plans but said there were "no plans to set up a bikies-only facility".