Friday, March 22, 2013

USA - Anyone else seen this federal law??

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace."
Thomas Paine
My wife and I received the following letter from the US Census and Dept. of Commerce.
"In a few days your household will receive instructions in the mail on how to complete a very important national survey, the American Community Survey. Please follow the instructions to complete the survey promptly. The U.S. Census Bureau is conducting this survey and chose your address, not you personally, as part of a randomly selected sample.
The American Community Survey collects information about various topics like education, housing and jobs> Information from the survey is used by federal,state.local and tribal governments to meet the needs of communities across Amerikka. For example, community leaders use this information to decide where schools, highways, and other services are needed. The survey also is used to develop programs to reduce traffic congestion, provide job training and plan for health care needs of the elderly.

If you have access to the Internet and want to learn more about the American Community Survey, please visit the Census Bureau's Web site:
Thank you in advance for your help."
AND then I go to the website and see this:

Do I have to answer these questions?
ACS Sample Mail-in Form
Explore the new interactive ACS form!

Yes. You are legally obligated to answer all the questions, as accurately as you can.

The relevant laws are Title 18 U.S.C Section 3571 and Section 3559, which amends Title 13 U.S.C. Section 221.

Your answers are important. As part of a sample, you represent many other people. Find out how each question helps your community, your state, and the federal government in questions on the form and why we ask.

NOTE this law was implemented in 2012.
If they have no way of knowing that you received it then I don't know how they would be able to prosecute you for failure to fill it out. Fuck 'em.

 And to those of you who did nothing, you are welcome to enjoy the freedoms others have provided you!
 Weird....that is exactly what I thought. Fuck 'em.
 Ok, i`ll get right on that.NOT!

The questions are in violation of the 4th amendment.  If you answer them, you are consenting to a search of your personal property.  The threat of penalty is coersion.  if you answer, you are under duress, and your answers are no longer valid.