Mike McLelland-District Attorney of Kaufman County, Texas at News Conference. Photo Credits: Associated Press/The Dallas Morning News
ADA Mark Hasse. Photo Courtesy Kaufman County Sherif's Office
A Texas Prosecutor Who Allegedly “Had an Absolute Passion For Putting Away Bad Guys” And Who “Enjoyed Nothing Better”, According To Kaufman County District Attorney Mike McLelland, Was Gunned Down Outside The Courthouse He Used To Put Away The Alleged Bad Guys!
Prosecutors Nationwide Must Be Feeling A Little Freaked Out Today As They Realize They Are All Truly Vulnerable, Each And Everyone of Them! Especially Those Who Knowingly Fuck People Over, Operate Outside of The Constitution, Purposely Trampling on The Rights of Americans While Holding Themselves Out As Honest & Caring Law Enforcement Personal To The General Public.
McLelland Said Prosecutor Mark Hasse “Understood and Accepted The Dangers of His Job” and “You Know There is The Potential For Somebody Bad To Do Something To You, Because They’ve Done Something Bad To Somebody Else”
Hasse Had Also Been President of The Dallas Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Suzette Pylant, a Victim Advocate For MADD North Texas Said, “He Was One of Those Guys Who Was Going To Wear The White Hat”
Doug Lowe, a District Attorney in Anderson County Said “This is Pretty Scary, I Maybe Packing Heat For a While”
Wayne Gent, Former Wayne County Judge, Said “Its Going To Take A Long Time To Get Over This. The Trembling Judge Added  “And The Thing is–Everybody’s Vulnerable”
Truer Words Were Never Spoken, Your Honor!
In This Time of The Rapidly Growing Police State in America, I For One Would Not Lose One Minute’s Sleep If Every Law Enforcement Personal That Abuses Americans And Our Constitutional Rights, Ends Up Like Mark Hasse.
Make No Mistake About It: Far Too Often Those Entrusted With “Serving & Protecting” The American Public Actually Become The “Bad Guys”, Using Their Positions To Abuse Americans & Our Constitutional Rights.  And Americans Must Be Protected From The “Bad Guys”-No Matter The Color of Their Hats.
A $20,000 Reward is Being Offered in The Case.
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