Friday, February 22, 2013

TENNESSEE - Motorcycle officers get body cameras


Motorcycle officers get body cameras

Posted: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 9:28 am
Motorcycle officers get body cameras
Motorcycle police officers in Pigeon Forge will soon be outfitted with video cameras that attach to their uniforms. The city council there has approved the purchase of eight body cameras for their motorcycle officers that cost about $900 each.With most police cars equipped with dashboard cameras, Police Chief Jack Baldwin said the officers who ride motorcycles wanted a version they could use because it enhances their testimony in court and protects them against complaints. L3 Communications Mobile-Vision, Inc., of Boonton, N. J., provides the department with in-car cameras and loaned the department a body camera to try out for a month. Baldwin said the cameras have been tested out by the military and other police agencies.