Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prescott, Arizona - Cop Club Victim Talked “SHIT”

The Prescott, Arizona Daily Courier continues to beat Arizona police over the head with the Iron Brotherhood cop club story. The Daily Courier broke the story last December that drunken, local cops, in costume and playing outlaw, gratuitously beat up a 23-year-old civilian named Justin Stafford.
Those cops have been lying and hiding behind official police speak ever since. This week the Arizona paper acquired and published the official police reports written after the incident and video surveillance of the assault. You can read the Courier’s latest story on the incident here. You can read the police reports here.  You can view the video at the bottom of this story or on the Daily Courier website.

The Iron Brotherhood

The Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club is one of the new breed of cop clubs whose members want to simultaneously live free, keep their home and security, bully people around, break the law and enjoy official immunity. They are not the Blue Knights. They have invaded the conservative, evolved, generally peaceful motorcycle outlaw world and they are demanding preeminence because they are the police. The FBI, ATF and Homeland Security have declined so far to file a RICO case against these guys but they are clearly more of a criminal racket and a greater threat to the general public than the Indianapolis Outlaws, the Georgia Outlaws, the Arizona Vagos, the Mongol Nation, the Pennsylvania Pagans or the Rock Hell Nomads charter.
The IBMC was founded in January 2006 by disgruntled members of a more traditional police club. They brag that “members of this club do not associate with members of one percenter clubs. We also do not attend events sanction by one percenter clubs. The Iron Brotherhood respects all clubs right to exist and expects the same in return.”
The club also asserts, that they “wear three piece colors because we can. We are a Law Enforcement club and will not seek permission from any organization to fly our colors.” In other words, they are party crashers and if you don’t like it they have the power to frame you and arrest you.

Rowdy Group

The drunken thugs rolling through Prescott last December were mostly members of the IBMC’s Whiskey Row chapter and they included Prescott Valley Police Chief Bill Fessler, Prescott Police Deputy Chief Andy Reinhardt and a Yavapai County Sheriff’s Sergeant named Bill Suttle. Suttle wastes taxpayers’ money as the commander of a little bureaucracy called “Partners Against Narcotics Trafficking.”
In the official accounts of that night, witnesses describe the cops as “a rowdy group.” A bar owner said “he had to cut off about ninety percent of them from alcohol by the time the party had ended.” The bar owner said “one of his sound crew men had to get into a business office to adjust the sound system during the party. He had to ask a female to move from in front of the door and put his hand on her to get her attention. The male subject that was with her started yelling at him and getting in his face…. The whole group was acting like they were some outlaw motorcycle gang.”
The owner of Moctezuma’s, the bar where the assault occurred, told police, “a big group of bikers who he was told ‘were all cops either from Prescott or Prescott Valley’ started a fight in his bar.” The investigating officer asked the owner “how he knew they were cops.” The owner “stated that his security staff told him that several of them showed their badges, which is why he let them in with their cuts on. …while he was standing at the bar, one of the subjects in a black vest started punching another patron for no reason…as he was attempting to break the fight up, two more male suspects in black vests began swinging at him and his bartender…during the incident knives started falling on the ground.”
At a nearby hospital, the victim told investigating officers “he walked up to one of the bikers and asked him what was the name of his club because he didn’t understand what the writing on the back said. Stafford then stated that the guy gave him attitude and asked him why did he want to know. Stafford stated after the guy asked him why did he want to know another male that was wearing the same type of vest grabbed him by the neck, pushed him toward the bar counter and then punched him in the face.”
The assailant, an as yet unnamed Homeland Security officer was wearing a skull ring. The guy who gave the victim attitude was Prescott Valley Police Chief Bill Fessler.”

Talking Crap

Police interviewed Sheriff’s Sergeant Bill “Mongo” Suttle who is Vice-President of the Whiskey Row chapter. Suttle said, “some kid went up to one of their guys, grabbed him and started talking crap at which time another one of their guys grabbed the kid and got him away. Suttle stated that they got into a little tussle. Suttle stated that he broke it up and then immediately sent their guy home…. Suttle then stated that their guy who was grabbed was the Prescott Valley PD Chief, Bill Fessler.”
A short time later, according to the incident reports, “Fessler was advised that we were there investigating an incident that occurred at Moctezuma’s. Fessler asked ‘What happened at Moctezuma’s?’ Officer Shapiro advised Fessler of the allegations made by the victim. Fessler stated that a kid came up to him and started grabbing his vest talking crap asking him about his patches. Fessler then stated that he told the kid, ‘Why are you asking?’ Fessler then stated that someone grabbed the kid and took him away. Fessler then stated that he left.”
No charges have yet been filed against any of the Iron Brotherhood patch holders involved in the assault.

Published on Feb 20, 2013
Select raw footage from Moctezuma's on December 22, 2012 of the altercation involving members of the Iron Brotherhood Motorcycle Club. See related story:
