Saturday, February 23, 2013

Motorcycle Safety in California

Motorcycle Safety in California

Los Angeles is a great place for motorcycle enthusiasts to enjoy their sport. Motorcyclists, however, are sometimes in danger.

February 14, 2013 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Los Angeles is a great place for motorcycle enthusiasts to enjoy their sport. Motorcyclists, however, are sometimes in danger. One La Puente man died late in December 2012 when a vehicle crashed into him while making a left turn. The motorcycle accident is under investigation, but as of December 30, no arrests had been made.
California motorcycle crashes are increasing
Motorcycle crashes in California increased by 175 percent between 1998 and 2008, and resulted in 560 deaths in 2008. Deaths, however, decreased in 2009 and 2010, totaling 394 in 2009 and 352 in 2010. Unfortunately, the California Department of Transportation reports that the number of deaths may have increased in 2011 and that motorcyclists make up a disproportionate amount of total traffic deaths.
Nationwide, 4,502 people were killed in motorcycle crashes in 2010, and crashes have increased by 55 percent since 2000. These crashes are not only killing people, but are also costing a lot of money, totaling $12 billion in one year, because of productivity losses and medical costs.
Wearing a helmet can save your life
California has a universal helmet law that requires all riders to wear helmets. It is important to follow this law because wearing a helmet is the key to protecting all motorcyclists. The risk of death is reduced by 37 percent when helmets are used. California's universal helmet law also saves the state a lot of money.
It is also important for motorcycle riders to look out for one another and make sure that everyone has their helmets on and that nobody is driving impaired. Protective clothing can help just as much as helmets by assuring that motorcyclists' bodies are covered if a crash does happen.
It is also helpful for motorcyclists to take training classes and make sure they are properly licensed. Motorcyclists should also make sure that they select a motorcycle that is appropriate for their size and qualifications.
Share the road
Even when motorcyclists do all they can to protect themselves crashes still happen. Cars sometimes do not remember to share the road with motorcyclists. Many crashes are caused when cars don't give motorcyclists the right of way or turn in front of them. This is why motorcyclists must look out for themselves by always being aware of their surroundings and taking it slow at intersections.
Vehicle drivers that do not share the road and cause crashes with motorcyclists need to be held responsible for their actions. Motorcyclists who have been injured in crashes or family members of those killed in motorcycle crashes may be entitled to monetary damages for their injuries. A personal injury lawyer in California can help these people by analyzing their cases, advocating for them and helping them obtain their deserved recovery.