Friday, February 22, 2013

Help Make a Difference in a Warrior's Life

Dear caring friend,

The price of freedom can be terribly high for U.S. military men and women — amputations, burns, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other life-changing wounds leave permanent scars.

Yet fully aware of the risks, service members continue to step up to defend our great nation — serving with unmatched courage and honor. It is on behalf of those heroes that I’m asking you to step up once again by supporting Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) today.

WWP has helped thousands of injured warriors along the path to recovery and greater independence despite the effects of their long-term injuries. But the need for these healing, empowering programs and services keeps growing because so many U.S. service members continue to pay the high price for our freedom.

This is why I urge you to build on your record of support for WWP with a generous gift today.

I also hope you will take a moment to help in another meaningful way. Raising awareness for the needs of wounded servicemen and women is a critical part of accomplishing our mission to honor and empower Wounded Warriors. I need your assistance in selecting the car magnet design that will encourage other caring, patriotic Americans like you, to get involved in transforming the lives of these self-sacrificing heroes and their families.

Cast your vote by Sunday, February 24!

Thank you for assisting us with this important decision — and for making a special contribution to WWP that will help our injured troops heal and recover.

Thank you for your support,

Steven Nardizzi
Executive Director
Wounded Warrior Project

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