Thursday, February 28, 2013

Florida - Purchase a motorcycle get a gun for free!!


Another reason I'm contemplating moving to Florida!! :*) Gotta love it!

Purchase a motorcycle, get a gun for free
Feb 24, 2013 5:38 AM EST
The owner of a Florida motorcycle shop is running a special for the bike and gun lover. (Source: Bay News 9/CNN) PINELLAS PARK, FL (BAY NEWS 9/CNN) - Fans of the open road and ammunition are in favor of a two-for-one deal.
Ron Pownall of a Pinellas Powersports in Florida is running a special at his store - buy a bike, get a handgun for free. Pownall got the idea from the number one trending topic on the internet - guns.
The free gun comes from a gift card to local retailers after a bike purchase.
The store has received calls for and against the special and for the terms and conditions. Pownall said the timing of the special is good for business.
"We think the timing is awesome," said Pownell. "We like to have the conversation about this because we feel like we're losing our rights, and we want to stick up for that."
Pownell just wants his customers to be able to enjoy their right to ride and carry.